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Application for Handicap Placard
Motor Vehicle Law 39:4-204

The term "handicapped person" as employed herein shall include any person who has lost the use of one or more limbs as a consequence of paralysis, amputation, or other permanent disability or who is permanently disabled as to be unable to ambulate without the aid of an assisting device or whose mobility is otherwise limited as certified by a physician with a plenary license to practice medicine and surgery; a podiatrist licensed to practice in this State or a bordering state; a physician stationed at a military or naval installation located in this State who is licensed to practice in any state; or, a chiropractic physician licensed to practice in this State or a bordering state.

Application for Temporary Handicap Placard

The Chief of Police of each municipality in this State shall issue to any person who has temporarily lost the use of one or more limbs or is temporarily disabled as to be unable to ambulate without aid of an assisting device or whose mobility is otherwise temporarily limited as certified by a physician, podiatrist or chiropractor a temporary placard. A temporary placard may, however, renewed one time at the discretion of the issuing authority for a period of not more than 6 months duration. The placard shall be displayed on the motor vehicle used by the temporary handicapped person. A vehicle which has displayed placard is allowed to park overtime or in a designated handicapped parking space. 

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